Thursday 20 December 2012


Then after we dropped Freya at home we nipped to the Drovers Arms in Carmarthen which used to be my next door neighbours pub in town, a long time ago, but it was nice to go there and I gathered extra evidence on how much better my peeing is as we had 3 drinks there and came home before I went to't loo


Then later we went to meet Freya from school and she came here and commented on how I was sitting in an armchair while she sat at my PC eg.


And I have finally sussed it that when I am walking if my right foot hits the floor under a 2 or 3 degrees bent knee rather than a rigid, straight, one it hardly hurts at all, unlike my other walking pattern with a straight leg which made me wanna cry and stop walking it hurt so much.
Now I have sussed it walking is a lot easier

Christmas Crisis

Then s'morning when Paul phoned my Mum and said "Going here for Christmas, and here for Boxing day dinners" Mum said "Oh no, The Harvester that you have booked for boxing day, last time we ate there I was sick" so he had to phone several places and luckily Frankie&Benny's has accepted us


So s'mornings pooh.... "No Neil, just shhhh"

(sent from my phone)


So this morning, when my "pocket clever thing" went off I woke up I thought "What's that other button on the RHS?" put on my specs, ah, it said "Snooze" so I tried it. 9 minutes later my alarm went off again and I got up.
Radical and old fashioned but now I know