Wednesday 31 December 2014


And we (me and Alex) are off in a bit to the local pub up the road
And no-one was celebrating new year, we were home by 11pm, we were there alone most of the night, a neighbour came in by himself at about 10 past 10 and had to leave with us about 17 minutes later as they threw us "all" out


So s'morning me and Alex went swimming, and did loads of exercises


So it is New Years Day today but the first item in my diary is nip to Cawdor Cars and have some modern computer tool updated so hopefully it will fix some of the random errors it is showing on the display
But as we were driving there I said "Oh, that thing with the code number on it, they looked in the office to no avail, is it in the manual here?", and he found it while sitting at traffic lights on the way there.
And the tyre pressure sensor appears to have stopped randomly saying "Help"

He Has His Uses

So last night that SmallPaul got stuck in with a screw driver and mended the bathroom door and the door to the airing cupboard so they both now close properly without having to push then so noisily and loudly
You might think "WTF?" but if I am gonna live here I want stuff to be right