Tuesday 19 August 2014


And we went and had a first look at a house tonight (I found it on a website) and it seems rather nice area wise etc. Timmy is gonna phone then tomorrow and see where we go from here

Hard Work

So I went to Drs/Chemist with no wheelchair and got my scripts. But one of the items that I ordered first wasn't there so we phoned the Docs and had to go back again, still with no wheelchair. So then as it was getting late I said “Gym?“ so we went off there still walking. I did loads of upper limb exercise to feed off my BoTox injection then loadsa miles on the cycle as I now have a reputation to maintain

Proud Dad

So now Toby has been accepted at Uni, Sam is already there doing a masters, next year Freya might be there too so all 3 of my kids will be at University at once