Wednesday 2 November 2011


And the dental hygienist said to me today "Yes, you are brushing well, how long are u taking?". I said "Dunno" and she advised me to brush for 2 minutes, which as I tried it tonight means brushing for about twice my "normal" brushing technique


Then Sarah the OT came here and was talking about fatigue and brain injury, about how common it is and strategies for dealing with it. And I seem to have most of those strategies in place already


Then we had lunch while waiting for Toby who was due to contact the college, but he didn't come until after the man he was trying to contact had gone out.
Later, after he had left, my phone rang and it was the chap from the college wanting to tell Toby "Good news" so I will have to contact him tomorrow


And while I was at Hygienist someone delivered my new hand-luggage for the plane, a Pink Rucksack


So this morning me and Paul and Timmy went to the hygienist at the dentist and had her clean my teeth big style. She commented on how much better they look than last month when I saw her so obviously I am doing summat right