Sunday 25 June 2017


And I watched this weeks Dr Who again and what can I say, it has attracted my interest in so many ways......

To The Tip

And today as it was quiet we headed out to The Tip to take grass cuttings and my old Trug frame and some other recyclable tat


And we were looking round in the garage s'morning and we spotted 2 wind chimes hanging at the back. We had to take them down ages ago as the chap who previously lived next door was dying and they disturbed him. But as he had died and his missus left ages ago so we put them back. A silly sound on windy days

Nice Cup Of......

Then s'morning I had my coffee with breakfast same as usual but a couple of hours later I decided to try a radical approach and made a nice cuppa tea in my mug. I had to wash out the mug, turn the kettle up to proper boiling point etc but I did enjoy it in the end.
A nice cuppa tea