Tuesday 14 June 2016

Paint The House-er

Then later another painter/decorator came to look at the job of painting the outside of the house. I feel relatively positive and hopefully he will meet my requirements. His Facebook page seems positive etc so he will get in touch ASAP. He is too busy to do it immediately which is a good sign
And I did get it s'evening. Obviously he wasn't painting tonight

More Reason...

And we popped out to the supermarket s'afternoon to pick up a few "in cupboard, use many times" goods that I forgot last Thursday

Showin' Off

And I went to gym s'morning and got stuck into sweaty exercising. I had to throw away 2 sweat soaked tissues that I had been using to dry my face afterwards. Today, despite "being unhealthy and not exercising" in Belfast instead of exercising here last week, today  I managed 10km on a bike. Faster than I have exercises measured m'self  before
Week before last, last time I did this exercise, I could only manage 6.5km.