Sunday 24 July 2011

Watching Telly

So earlier I looked at a website to tell me what's on telly. It said most of a program about the Space Shuttle's final mission then on the same side MotoGP
And watching the MotoGP I was actually watching it as a fan, not some scared nutter. Even tho they did go a long way over going around corners

Reduce It

And today I had to take the top cushion off my "rest your foot up" thingie as I could use it with 2 cushions and just my sandals but as I am now well enough to put boots on it was too high


And I did have an unusual visitor today as she has been on Guide Camp for a week and in 2 days is going to Dance Camp for another fortnight. As she was leaving I said "If you can't be good be careful". She said "Do you know what that means?", I said "No" and she said "Right, I'd better tell everyone that you told your 13 year old daughter if you are gonna have sex wear a condom"


So now I am mid read of a second proper grown up book. But for this one I am very glad that the author didn't go to school with me. If he had I would have felt obliged to say "Terry - you pratt! Shit!!"


So I got up s'morning, had breakfast, went for a walk (twice up and down to next door) then went into the bathroom to have my weekly shave. While I was doing it I thought "Aha, Freya is coming today, she always complains about stubble"

Night Night

So here I am still up this evening. I should go to bed......