Friday 18 March 2011


So I had a shower tonight, when I got out I thought "No point putting socks on for an hour" so I went and got my sandals out of the corner. And good lord, it is much harder to stand up in 'even up and down' shoes. My normal right boot is 3 or 4 cm up in the heel and it is much harder to stand up without that


Well as most of my diary functions are in my blog and web pages this is unaffected. Calendar is what is gonna happen, I got a bit peed off with not being able to put stuff in every week etc so I gave up and restarted and updated my Google calendar again


It occurred to me s'morning, as I felt too rough to have a shower last night that for most people it's relatively easy but for me walking a bit with no splint, washing my back etc then getting dried and dressed makes it into a tiring stressful event