Tuesday 12 January 2016


When 'he' had to "reset" my email client all the Ads came back. So I went online, found AdBlocker and installed it. The ads were still there. So I panicked and gave up, figuring CleverITTimmy will be in here on Thursday. So tonight I just tried downloading it again and I noticed it said "This has been disabled by..... click to enable", clicked and tried restarting the email client. No fscking adverts, the big objectionable type, gone again now

Further Nuts Are We

Gosh, and I watched it for a number of hours again today....

Feed Me

And we had the last of my chic pea casserole for dinner, it was the last of it so tomorrow night we will have to have some frozen food
It feels so old fashioned, I have been cooking so much food for about a month


So we went to gym s'morning and did 4 exercises followed by a 10 min cycle. Gosh I am so much fitter than I was a few months ago, it it really noticeable

Stressful Interweb

So as my email was being filled up with spam and my interweb connection was ignoring what I told it to connect to we had to go into "settings", advanced, "reset". Which did work but eg my Blog password etc have been gone. I need Timmy to come back and tell me how to get rid of AdSense adverts which have come back since resetting

Well dun, Sir

It's a week now, this walking......