Thursday 17 May 2018

Hot Bath

And I was able to have a hot bath again today (Yesterday I had a shower at swimming pool and day before was the first bath I had had for weeks) and it still felt really important etc etc

Thursday AM

THEN me and Timmy headed into town, called into Lloyds bank* so Timmy could pay me half the cash for the plumber, then we popped down to Caffi Iechyd Da and fetched an enormous box of goodies, then to Morrison's where again we had a bigger than usual shopping list, then home and put it away.
Then we called down to gym and I did my 20 minute cycle, at normal speed for 4½ minutes then flat out for 30 seconds repeated for 20 minutes. Puff puff pant etc but I can do it 
* WTF's going on, you don't need to queue up any more, just went to a "Paying in" machine, put my card in, didn't need to enter my PIN, put the cash in the slot at the bottom, it clicks and hums then says "You paid in £x?" you click "Yep" and it pays it into your account!!!


And as soon as I had finished my breakfast me and GGtGG went out to the greenhouse and removed 3 of the plants from there to put them in the trug, I think the last 2 plants we will leave in the greenhouse
And I went back out to have a look tonight and it already looks better, more upright plants etc etc