Tuesday 14 May 2013


Oh dear, I got drunk tonight. With 2 litres of 7.4% cider


So for dinner tonight we had burgers, wedges and from a packet (in the freezer) that I bought t'other week breaded garlic mushrooms. And it was flippin' delicios.
I couldn't quite tell that they were garlic 'shrooms but they didn't just taste of mushrooms

Mid-week shop

Then we nipped to Morrison's and did a mid-week shop to top me up on lunch and potatoes mostly

More Voluntary

Gosh, so s'morning we went to Trysordy - Treasure House which is a recycling centre that seems will be expecting me next Tuesday afternoon for a couple of hours. Initially I will just be sorting out their donations but I think there may well be some duties on their PC and taking photos for their website

Back To Normal

So yesterday we finished the last of "my appointments" for now, back to dull normality again