Saturday, 14 July 2018


And I switched on my music then went and got in bed tonight. Then I remembered that I hadn't closed the (relatively) new curtain. I had to get back out of bed and close it, like I hadn't done night before and the light did wake me up about 5.15 s'morning
And I had a crisis, the lamp wouldn't light s'morning. I tried new battery in the remote to no avail. Timmy came in and had a look and said "It's switched off here" - pointing at the on lamp switch which I have never used. So gord nose what happened

Nipped Out

Then we nipped out before lunch to get some wrapping paper for someone's present, and some cash for in their birthday card and also we had to go to the cheap cleaning products shop and pick up some more mouthwash
It was all done before lunchtime, we came home and had some food &c

Wrong Day Cooking

As we were out yesterday afternoon instead of cooking the weeks casserole we had the last portion out of the freezer with oven chips last and I got stuck into frying some onion &c. It's all made now and cooling down, I will lift some out for the freezer later and put the rest in the fridge