Sunday 6 November 2016

What I Had To Put Up With

And part of the reason I was awake so early s'morning was Roy snores (noisy), very. I couldn't record it very well as I could only reach my phone but he snores


And we had another excellent morning and lunch with my new in laws. And they supply food that is much too delicious for me.
Anyway later we left, without Freya as she took a train back to Manchester but with Toby and Megan who we dropped off at a services half way along the M42 where they will be picked up by Megan's parents to do gord nose what before Toby is catching a train home later
And I am back again to typing on my PC, not my little tablet or on my phone so I will be a bit more longwinded now. For the last couple it has all been said and true just concise and too the point

Home Again

Home again jiggity jig. Well we motored for hours today and got home eventually. I had a late bath and a 20 min nap before getting back up and cooking dinner and finishing the putting away of stuff work.
I think all in all we had a good time. I was accompanied by Roy who has never met any of my family etc but he had a lovely time too. I am rather impressed with Emma's parents, I think next time I see them it will be to stay there


So it is about half past 6 in the morning, I am wide awake now. RoyGBiv is in the other single bed snoring. Really loudly