Sunday 19 April 2015


And I was able to walk on uneven surfaces, well wrinkly ones this weekend. I an getting so much generally better

Immediately Back Out

Then we got in home, put the washing on and then headed off to Morrisons to buy the weeks foor and a little milk, hopefully I will get the rest of the milk in Aardvark when I do my weeks shopping there tomorrow

Home Again (Jiggity, jig)

So we made it back s'morning.
For a start I managed the whole journey without a pee and it is still pale coloured....... So we left there to much positive noise, I had been trying to show off and many people commented on how much I was walking.
Yesterday we drove into Hay On Wye, parked up in the free car park which is a bit out of town, I got out of the car and walked the whole way into town, narrow pavements in places, not smooth underfoot in places, SP was pushing my 'chair in front to clear the way but I didn't use it in the ¾ of an hour walk thru town to a cafe, OR the same distance walk back. Many people coming thghe other saw my situation and stepped down out of my way, I was impressed with the general level of courtesy
I knew many of the people there, got to know a few more and just generally felt welcomed
And the loo in the bedroom in the hotel was even lower than this one here, there was no "Raise your loo" on it like here and I still managed to pee and pooh properly