Tuesday 4 September 2012

Oh Dear

After glancing through a list of files, BI stands for Brain Injury, nothing sexual


I am watching QI on i-Player ATM and it isn't bad


And Toby is coming over later for dinner. Today was his second day at college, his first proper day as they had an induction yesterday. Gosh, I hope (and pray) that it went well for him and he is doing summat proper with his life again
And it turns out "later" he has to stay in college 'til 7.30 tonight, so much later he will be here
No, even l8r, dunno they must be talking about more important stuff so he said "C U again"

Big Team

So today I have got Dicky and Paul as my team, and they both wanna come to gym with me. Paul want's to assess me doing various stuff, possibly bicycling etc
Well they both came, were both making noises about how well I was, this week I cycled on a different bicycle which wasn't as comfortable as last weeks but I did it
But for the second time I walked from the car into the gym and then I didn't want to do more exercises as I was knackered


So I went to loo needing a pooh last night. I got there, farted loads and thought "Oh, gone now" and went back to bed.
Farted LOADS

Neil The-Hippy http://www.hippyweb.me.uk

(sent from my phone)