Thursday, 9 February 2012


So as we were driving all afternoon I couldn't have a nap, but as we were driving outwards I switched off the radio and tipped my chair back and lay quietly for 25 minutes. Dunno, I don't feel too rough now so perhaps it was OK


Then I saw Toby later as he walked up to borrow the Rocky Horror DVD and a book


Then at 5 o'clock we made it home from Dacey's in Cardiff after I cheered and said "Ta muchly, it has changed my life" etc, then the took my splint and fitted some proper cover the metal 'cos I'm allergic bits and some replacement bits under my right heel


And we had to leave here at 12ish, stop for diesel, later we stopped for a sandwich then got "there"


So Ed came in s'morning. Straight away we went to supermarket and stocked up on blueberries etc, then he gave me another haircut, well he shaved the sides. At 12 o'clock we are heading off to Cardiff to have a review of my footwear splint. Dunno what a review is but we are going for one anyway