Tuesday 3 December 2013


And for the last few days I have been watching snooker on't telly. I used to be a fan about 20-25 years ago and I haven't really watched it in between. But I may be becoming a fan again


Then s'afternoon I put on boots and socks and went to the gym to do exercises. I think today we learned that my second treadmill after cycling for 10 min. was too difficult for my right foot, so perhaps we should just do one, longer, treadmill session at the beginning

Panicy Morning

What a performance. A few days ago my laptop in the bedroom stopped connecting to the interweb. Gareth had a look yesterday to no avail, so TechnoTimmy got stuck in today. He had to tell it to get back to last weeks mode etc etc. We have been in there for a couple of hours but it works again now.
And I went back and switched it on just to check later and it immediately got on the 'net


So just after 10 o'clock I stood up in the living room and walked to the bathroom and back, twice. So I will have to do that after 11 and 12 and......
And just after 11 now too
Well, I neglected the earlier walk, nearly lunchtime etc and now I am going off for my bath etc
Well I think it is night time now so I may be excused