Tuesday 10 December 2013


So then we nipped to gym, which is all moved into a different room. I did longer on the treadmill before bicycling as it went better that way round
And on the way home from Gym we went to that Tesco's place and didn't buy any food or drink but I found another warm fleece type garment and bought that. I object to buying in Tesco's but I don't know where else to look

Late Lunch

But because we had a late breakfast s'morning I couldn't eat lunch at normal time
So we had a late dinner....


Then after breakfast me and Alex headed into town to get some more mouthwash and special bulbs for my bedside table. While we were in the bulb shop I noticed a pirate model and had to buy one

Blood Test

So before breakfast I had to go to the doctors to have a blood test.
I was so nervous I neglected my opportunity to flirt with the nursey


And my feet are as small as they were b4 infection so...