Thursday 21 August 2014


So we are off in a bit to the FES headquarters to let them know how well I am getting in and ask them WTF my boots don't work anymore and can we have loadsa new connections etc etc
So we walked in and sat in there for about an hour before being seen for 10 or 15 minutes but he was really positive. And impressed with how I am helping the FES too. So he gave us loadsa connectors and bits so now my boots work too. But as I really needed my boots before as my ankle is so much better I can walk as well in my trainers
And at the end the chap did actually say that if I continue getting so much better perhaps one day I can give them my FES back as I won't need it anymore. He was the first person to suggest such a thing which took my breath away

Barefoot as it were

And s'morning before I had me sockings changed or my FES fitted I walked out the front door to the road, got my foodwaste bin back and carried it to it's placement and then walked back indoors.
Gosh I am so much better at walking unaided than I used to be......


And because we have to have an early lunch today before heading off to the FES clinic later we won't have time for gym today.
Woe is me....

Early To Rise

So last night I was awake and looked at my clock at 2.30, 3.30, 4.30 etc then next thing I new it was 9.30 and I was still in bed. Later it emerged that I had somehow switched my alarm clock to OFF, dunno how or why