Friday 5 January 2018

Dinner #17

Well as my sense of taste is a bit fscked I cannot be sure but I thought this weeks "stuff" that we had for tea tonight was very delicious. And MM said praising things too. The main difference this week was that instead of Curly Kale I had bought an enormous chunk of Broccoli which makes me wanna say "Yum, yum"


So we headed to gym for my once a week class today. Yes, I have got less fit after a week off but I could still do stuff that I couldn't manage a fortnight ago.
So it went well

Email Crisis

And loading the email prog has lead to a message "It can't load, we are trying to fix it" but as I was so busy in and out of the kitchen I didn't have time to cry. And just as I finished cooking it has fixed itself

Dinner #2

So as I got to make Na'an Bread Pizza last night I was a bit puzzled about today. If I am cooking "stuff" I need to put it on early and leave it on half the day but as I am off to gym s'afternoon I thought I would have to switch it off again etc.
So as it was I have done all the preparation of veg which is cooking slowly now. I will switch it off when I pop to gym then switch it back on later and add a load of lentils and chick peas which will be well cooked enuf by dinner time tonight