Tuesday 1 May 2012

Sitting Properly

Then we took Toby out for dinner (yes I know, we owe him a cooking lesson) and when we got to the restaurant we said "One of the back seats" but they said "No, sorry full, 20 minutes?" but we said that we would try sitting at a proper seat. Which worked, it felt strange, it looked strange but I did it, it was the first time I have managed to get in a proper seat in 9 years


And when I was just about to go for my nap s'afternoon I thought I'd better not stick my Do Not Disturb sign on the door as someone was coming here today to deliver summat, they came yesterday but I was out.... So I went thru to the living room to tell Paul that he needed to answer the door while I was in bed. I was half way thru explaining when he said "Look" as the deliverer had pulled up outside and was delivering to me

Lookin' After Gym

Then we went to Gym which I enjoyed as much as ever. We stopped and had lunch there then drove round a bit looking for houses to rent. To no avail

Wiv Paul

So when Paul arrived s'morning I was nearly crying, Google Calendar wasn't working, hadn't been for 3 days now but s'morning I set out to fix it and failed. Paul looked a bit, couldn't mend it, we started the laptop and that worked so it was obviously my PC. So we phoned Clever Timmy and asked him, he said "Clear your cache" and as if by magic that worked. So he is now known as Clever Timmy