Sunday 29 July 2018


Robot Pouring Beer, but he doesn't pick up the lid!
(minimal, but some noise)


So first of all Freya is coming here s'afternoon until tomorrow, staying the night, but when I txted her last night she suggested that we pop into town to meet them for lunch, possibly Freya, Sam&Emma, Julia&her new chap and possibly the 2 younguns so I can meet my youngest, oldst, their mother and generally show off how much better I am at socialising these days
Off in a bit, no I am not shitting myself at all. No
Wow. They was all really nice, s'morning and after my nap we cooked dinner then went off to the pub. It was all just pleasant. Freya has now gone to bed earlier than I managed. See her in the morning, when we are off to meet the whole team, including Freya's little bro and sister before we say goodbye