Sunday 17 May 2015


Just been looking at Google Maps around Carmarthen and it is just WOW, how posh can computer software be, holds so much information....

Dinner Tonight

So we are having my usual Saturday dinner tonight, roasted veg, as we had the first pasta I have had in years last night
Fark, I love that dinner, it was delicious.....


And while we were out in the daylight Paul said "Good lord, a bruise on your head" and yes, there is one just to the left of my mohawk from t'other night


So s'morning Paul came in and handed over. Then he made a cuppa and passed me a pack of Oreo Cookies which were rather nice. Then we nipped off to Morrison's and did my weeks shopping, very little was required, but we did notice that the Go Bars (healthy snack) were half price so I brought 7 packets home instead of the one per week I normally eat

Falling Backwards

And it is still astounding me, t'other night when I fell over I was able to get myself back up, from on the floor to on my feet with no problem

Micro Sleep

So I woke up s'morning at about a quarter past seven, thought "No, too early to get up" and lay there. I was thinking gord nose what and next time I looked at my watch it said 7.35 then at 7.37 thinking "I will get up at 8 as normal". Next time I looked at my watch it said 8.15, I must have micro slept the last half an hour