Thursday 31 December 2015

Java Snow

And as I managed to update one of my web pages with snow Java today but I can't find a way of making it just be over the picture, any clues pls let me know

Just in time

Then we headed over to Aardvark half an hour early and just caught them, they were closing early too but I did manage to get everything


And I started taking my antibiotics s'morning. I had initially thought "Wait 'til after tonight" but as I would then have to wait 24 hrs so couldn't start 'til Saturday I just went for it

From The Sky

And when we were heading out to gym today suddenly the sky opened with a massive hail shower that left a couple of inched of hail. Scary and slippery

Less Busy

So me and MM headed off to gym s'morning. I did 4 exercises plus a full 20 mins cycling afterwards so it is slightly easier than a few days ago.