Tuesday, 7 October 2014


Then me and Gareth headed into Carmarthen for a brew. On the way back we got into the car and then the heavens opened big style. It rained most of the way home and stopped when we were about half a mile from home
And when we were sitting at kitchen table to have dinner a couple of hours later there was Thunder and Lightning happening outside
And about 20 to 10 tonight suddenly the rain started, really heavy. About 4 minutes later it stopped 


But when we arrived back from swimming I noticed that the boiler overflow pipe was leaking. Looking at it it seems that water pressure is much too high. But in the manual it only mentions what to do when pressure is too low
So he came, unscrewed underneath and fiddled about. The overflow has stopped overflowing but he booked for a plumber to come and check it out tomorrow


And I said to Gareth s'morning "What's on today, just gym on my timetable...." and he sneakily announced that he has brought in his 'wimming trunx so we can go swimming today as I missed it yesterday
Oh what fun we had, but we did it and exercises etc


Gosh, reading this story in The Gruniad made me wanna shout "Thatcher, Thatcher, milk snatcher" even tho it's not her fault, but I think they are carrying out her policies