Wednesday 25 February 2015

Sideways Pics

And earlier I found that all the pics Sara had taken on her phone were presenting themselves sideways. They looked upright in Irfanview, which I use most of the time, but not in a web browser so I was panicking a bit. I looked thru other progs to look at the pics, then when I opened the pic in Gimp it said "Want to put the pic the right way up?", put it right, and then tried to save it in some obscure format. So I did that then used Irfanview to convert the obscure format to a jpg, this time a right way up one.
I don't know f. all about the uprightness and not of pics so if anyone has a clue drop me a line and I will hopefully learn

Therapy in't Pool

And Sara the physio lady is meeting me in the swimming pool to tell me to do more exercises etc. not that I wanna shout "I am getting better already and working already...." but no doubt she will find some other means of making me cry with exhaustion
Aargh, as she came there without her costume, she thought we would be in't gym, and I was wearing no FES so it was much harder to walk we kind of got stuck in to gym. So today, instead of bikeing I had my first turn on the rowing machine, then we had a go on every machine that was there. So no longer do I need to ignore half the gym, I can now use it all
But unlike Timmy on Monday and Sara today I had already packed my trunx