Saturday, 5 March 2016


And I have just watched the first ever episode of Bottom on my Amazon FreeTV Stick.
It wasn't bad

And it worked

And my PC stopped working when we were out last night. I switched it on again about 3.30 today and it all sprang to life.
Dunno who or why but it works again. I have a few emails to catch up on....

That T Place

So we nipped to Tesco s'morning to pick up sum ink for the staff printer. And while we were there I picked up sum frozen food. Before we went in I said to Alex 'bout pushing my wheelchair behind in case I got too knackered by he said "No" for various reasons.
So I walked in the front door, right the way to the back for the ink then about 2/3 of the way across to the froze food at the other side. Then walked and paid and walked out. It actually surprised me with how far I can walk