Sunday 10 June 2018


So a couple of days ago I spilt about an inch of orange juice from the bottom of my glass over the table. GGtGG cleared it up but although he had cleaned it properly the surface of the table didn't feel quite right. I looked in the cupboard and found some Pledge and got stuck in by myself. Took all the coasters off, all the place-mats, my I-pad, took it all off and got stuck in


So me & MM went out to town for a walk s'morning. As I am a bit bored of the existing routes we headed down King St and got a place in the first disabled parking slot. So we got out of the car and I pointed back up the street past the library. So we walked there, crossed the carp ark entrance and carried on to the end of King St. There we turned left and carried on along Priory St (I think it's called). We walked along there for ages until we came to another roundabout, there we turned back and up the gentle hill. Which is easier for me than going down a gentle hill. Back along and around to  the car