Thursday 18 May 2017

Nightime - That's Today Over

Phew. So most of today has been full of sad folk but I have dine mu thing. We popped up to David&Nora's and got my suit our of their cupboard etc. Tomorrow we are going early to fetch Freya from the International Airport then bring her to the hotel then get dressed up and head to the funeral

We Are Here Now

With loads of sad relatives etc


So we are sat in the Airport drinking coffee and waiting
And we have flown over now, waiting for the queue to get out of the way


So s'morning I said to Timmy that my shoe device wasn't working (like me and yesterdays MOS had looked at) he said "Ah, the contact sensor, we have a spare" and it all works much better now. Cheers Timmy

Flying Again

So we are back off to Belfast dead early s'mornin'