Friday 2 October 2015

Dinner (Dinner Bat Man)

So we had the traditional Friday Night Dinner of na'an bread pizza and proper chips and again it was lovely


So tonight we headed over, bought more traditional oven chips, more sweet potato oven chips, and a few bits of ice cream etc


And as I am lying in bed after my bath, my right leg is warm enough, my left leg is warm enough, my bum and arms etc are warm enough but my right toes are fscking freezing


And we had a gym class with a chap instructor as Sam is away on holiday but I still astonished myself with how much more I can do
My right knee, I have been struggling to not let it go too far back on walking, but today I just realised that I need to tighten all the muscles in my whole knee and that keeps it in a proper position


And I just about managed to not call "Gareth, ignore Timmy, we need to be @ shop" went to Aardvark, parked at the back, and bought everything. And we were back here three quarters of an hour before we need to pop to gym