Friday 2 August 2013

Sporting Telly

Then out of the blue when I came back from Aardvark I received an email that said "I have signed you on... you will get an email in 15 mins....." and I already had the next email saying she had signed me up for BT Sport and I could watch it.
I can't see it on my telly yet but it works on my PC now, which is where I watch 95% of telly anyway
Ah, and I am told I won't be able to see it on the telly as I don't have a Sky box, but WTF I can watch it anyway


Then because I had a late lunch I thought there was no time afterwards for a bath, I just had a nap then headed off to Aardvark, did my shopping.
But because I had been to gym today I figured I probably needed a bath so I had it after tea (1)
(1) As usual on a Friday it was naan pizza and oven chips, it was one of the highlights of the week eating it

Isn't She Beautiful

So about lunchtime I had a 3rd level gym class with that lovely Sam. It seems strange, of the folk in my class I am by far the most immobile so effectively I have a different class than everyone else there.
I told Sam today that I had discussed my voluntary work with Trysordy and they had said I could move days so as from next week I am going to 2 level 3 classes
It is frankly remarkable how much progress I am making