Wednesday 15 August 2012


And the taking of my boot back off revealed just my foot, all is well, so booting to gym tomorrow

Dinner In A Bit

So in a bit I am gonna try making dinner. Tonight there will be fried stir fry veg, mixed into that a cheese sauce and pasta under it all. Here's hoping, it can't be very hard but I am nervous about preparing owt since my accident
AND WOW, it worked, it was f'ing delicious and there wasn't a single lump in the cheese sauce. Quantity wise, well, some milk, some butter, some cheese and nearly a big spoon of flour, but it worked.
So that is summat else that I have relearned how to cook, and it was easy. OK, not as easy as I would like but in the global scale, well easy

Shopping Again

I needed to go and buy more veg tonight but then Toby txted me earlier and said "Can you take me and buy food?" so together we went shopping

Right Foot

Gosh, my antibiotics are working. My right foot is now just about as thin as when I started and nearly as pale, just a little pinker, the redness has gone
And I have a check-up appointment with the doc s'morning and I don't think he will be worried etc
Well this afternoon I got someone to put my splint back on and it feels OK, so far. I am not gonna keep it on for ages but a few more hours then to gym tomorrow