Monday 7 May 2018

Boiler Fixer

Is he gonna be able to get that bit and come tomorrow?

Loopy Nuts Are We

And I have just watched about 8 hours of well impressive snooker, the World Snooker Championship (noisy link) and I was just gobsmacked about some of their clever play


So I have to meet Sam Gleeson tomorrow mornin' to talk about someone who wants to write an article about me, after they have interviewed me, about how I am exceeding all expectations in getting better. Or summat

Walkies Again (More)

And we popped into Carmarthen after dinner, parked on Llamas St and walked thru town, up past Debenhams to the top where we sat on the stone benches, which were actually warm today. We sat letching for about 20 minutes then walked back to the car

2nd Visit

Then we had to go back to pool and have a fscking shower as my boiler is broken over Bank (and "boiler bits" suppliers) Holiday weekend. Hopefully some progress will come on tomorrow but I need to go and see Sam Gym at 11 AM about some "reporting how well I am despite all medical advice" scheme

First Visit Of The Day

So we popped to gym as there is no swimming class today so we did loads of exercisey machines etc. Some of the weights on lifting machines were set at 25 or 27.5KG or about 4 stone!!!!
We will have to go back later to have a swim (which is what they call using the shower) as it is gonna take some time for the boiler to be fixed