Saturday 27 October 2012


And I bought myself a packet of buns today, but good lord they are nice, and only 43 calories each apparently


Then we nipped to Wilkinson's shop in Carmarthen and picked up strange tape to tape my hall matt to the linoleum floor and some bits to fix my feed bird device which broke t'other week, which kept Paul busy for a bit

Claire Pink Hair

So this morning my phone said "Message from Claire pink hair" she said "On my way".
When she got here she basically asked me various questions about getting my will ready etc. She has to prove that my brain is well enuf to get involved. I don't think I will be writing a will until get more cash but it is in the process now

Alarm Clocking

So recently I discovered that you can set my alarm clock for tomorrow, every day OR "working days". So I tried it this week, my alarm clock has gone off Monday to Friday but it didn't go off s'morning as it is now a resting weekend day

And after exploring on the web I now know that I can set my working days as whichever I want/need

(sent from my phone)