Saturday 21 May 2016


So tonight I was sitting at the table, just finishing my dinner, I reached for summat and accidentally knocked over my nearly full glass of apple juice, and watched as it ran, spreading out over nearly the whole table. Luckily Timmy was here and coped, getting cloths, kitchen roll and a bottle of Cif (which when I was living with Mum & Dad was called Jif)

I Have Come Such A Long Way...

But I have so much further to go

Feeding Timmy

And because of various reasons which I can't recall ATM we didn't have My Usual Friday Dinner last night so it's on offer to Timmy who said he actually enjoys my naan bread pizzas so he is actually willing to eat summat I prepare tonight.
Ah, we had to feed 3 last night, Andrea was here as well, and we only had two naan bread, they come two in a packet


Then we popped further into town and interviewed my potential new MOS. His name is Roy and he did seem nice and knowledgable so Timmy is gonna send him an offer of the job type letter and then he will be able to hand in his notice where he is at present.
If he decides to take the job


So first thing s'morning me and Timmy headed into town toBoots who told Timmy that my cream should be delivered today. The computer screen said it should be here but no, they couldn't find it. They asked us if we wanted in delivered Monday but we said "No"' Timmy is gonna have to phone the Doctor on Monday and get it sorted out