Sunday 24 August 2014


And at lunch when I bit into a small granary roll and a big bit of one of my "been f*cked, mended now" teeth just fell clean off


So today we had to nip to Morrison's and pick up the 4 things that were on my list, but first of all we nipped out to Trevaughan (Where? I said. About 4 miles out of town up Water St they said) to first look at another house that Timmy found. (Didn't he find this one too?). So many of my lights have been lit, it looks good, well out in the country but still only 4 miles away from Carmarthen.
So Timmy will phone the estate agent tomorrow
And Ed did say Re front step "But you can walk now, handrail..." but Denyse is being more pessimistec about me getting old....
And we left my 'chair indoors, walked once we left...

Nursey Nursey

And last night Ed, my qualified nurse part time carer, didn't put my sockings on as he said "My legs are so well" it will be OK not to occasionally
Which ties in with what the FES expert said a few days ago....

Cold Again

And the central heating switched itself on last night which I do find reassuring etc