Saturday 15 September 2012


So we had to nip into the bank to pay in the cheque my Dad had sent for Toby's birfday, I put cash in his birfday card in exchange. I was nervous but it went OK and it seems to be in my account

Not tomorrow, tonight!!!

Were going out tonight and oops, tonight it is on, not tomorrow
And it was excellent. Clive played loads, I read out 3 poems and it was just generally excellent


And I had another shave with a proper razor s'morning. And today, as advised by Ed, I moved the razor down, rather than up on my neck. And good lord, a much closer shave there, good call Ed

Poohing Today

And I woke up s'morning, felt it and thought "First?" but squeezed it and ate sum breakfast before going to t'loo

(sent from my phone)