Friday 15 May 2015

Fell Over

Well after being so drunk that....... tonight..... I went to the loo, had a crisis, fell over backwards...... had a MOS pulling..... I said "Do it like this" and managed, I was scared but managed..... got back up on my feet


So we went up to't pub but Jo (the neigbour) didn't show up


And what do we have for tea every Friday?
Yum yum it was
And I "did" loadsa washing up while it was cooking but there is still loads for GGtGG to do, loads.
Because it is not a heat frozen food dinner at a guess I should just get used to it

Making Friends

And we are off to't pub tonight to meet up with my beautiful neighbour and her hubby who have lived here about 2 weeks longer than I have. We met them last week and she said "Next Friday" so go about making friends locally etc etc


And we are off in a bit to my one class at t'gym each week. Wish me luck.....
And to some extent it was inspirational. I did say to Sam how much I don't like the class but.... and she said "But you can see how much good it is doing you", how right was she. She did also comment on how my right arm is no longer going into the holding baby position when I am doing some exercises which it used to. She also told me how I inspired one chap to come and keep exercising. He had had a stroke and thought he had got as well as he could so was gonna leave class, one day he saw me walking in and said "He used to be wheelchair bound" and realised that there is hope for us all


So we went to Aardvark s'morning, had to pay to park but..... So we went into Aardvark, did my usual shopping and then, when we were ½ way to the till I thought "No, pasta too" so we bought some pasta, some veg and some organic tomato and chilli sauce so next week we have another meal that is properly cooked (OK, not made from scratch but better than the frozen thingies I have been serving). So next week, I cook pizza one night, roast veg another, scrambled eggs another, then the pasta and nonsense a fourth night so a minority of frozen food, only 3 night

Friday Feeling

So shopping in a bit
And practicing typing this on my new phone...