Tuesday 12 June 2018


And we met up with the West Wales Everything Group tonight and we came 3rd or 4th in the quiz. Me and MM and 4 others.
We did quite well but didn't win
But the drinks, it was bitter in 1/3 or 2/3 pint glasses, or at a push you could have a pint. At the end I did say to a chap that worked there that when I worked in a pub beer had to be in 1/2 or 1 pint glasses but he did say that in 2010 they introduced a 2/3 pint licence too

Got One

Then the postman brought me an envelope which I had forgotten to be worried about where it was for a few days, I opened it and it contains the new cover for my FES device that broke last week

Miles And Miles

So s'morning we are having such fun on the bike @ gym. I have another 8km to go. Hip hip.....
Down to the last km now...


Oh what fun, so today on my diary it sez  "Goto gym and cycle for miles and miles" today. Hip hip hoo-fscking-ray. Looking forward to it sooooooo much......
Then tonight we are heading to The Parrot pub/gig venue tonight for a West Wales Everything Group quiz thingy.....