Wednesday 8 August 2018

Grab Rails #27

After Denyse was here t'other day and saw my new grab rails she made a few phone calls, tested the "under the lid" function and later phoned me to say she had phoned the folk who had done it and said she wasn't happy as I need symmetry on both sides as otherwise my learning to walk etc will be uneven or somesuch and they have agreed to come back and do it again in a couple of weeks

After Lunch

Then after lunch Roy ignored my protests and said "Gym class" so we went to Gaynor's class again which wasn't very busy but as good as can be expected

Then on the way back we popped to the post box to post a birfday card that had been addressed to Freya c/o me which arrived s'morning. I put stickers over the address and wrote the address with my right hand and it was legible and another stamp and off it went

What A Morning

So s'morning we popped into the Toyota garage for the service on the car. I had planned to stroll about town while that was happening but it was pouring so we sat there watching Toyota Telly which every few minutes said "We are sponsoring the paralympics" and showing film which upset me/made me impressed etc
But an hour and a half later they gave me the car back and at home I could replace the bag of "car park" money etc