Saturday 15 October 2011


And as a snack tonight I had some Bombay Mix (Organic) that I bought t'other week. Looking at the packet there are loadsa calories in a whole packet but almost none in the relatively small amount I will eat, perhaps 25 calories in total

Small Dinner

And I had a small dinner again today even tho I just had some salad for lunch. This slimming thing.....


Yesterday I wasn't constipated but I did have to squeeze more than usual to get my pooh out. This morning it came out as easily as usual. So PHEW

Tra la lah

And dull waiting here today, there is almost no Ixion, I have already read The Guardian, what else is there to do?

She's Got Pink Hair

So Claire the Psychologist who is gonna be seeing Toby and Freya at the start of next month came to talk over some stuff. She will bring it up with the kids when she sees them, and hopefully improve our relationship
And she couldn't (or wouldn't) buy any hairdye today