Saturday, 15 December 2012


And today we had a restful day, nowt on, no car journeys but they fixed my new glasses s'morning

Takes Me Back

So I had a phone call from the Optician s'morning saying "Ready" so we nipped into town and picked them up. Just WOW, I hadn't realised how bad my distance vision had got. And when I am at my PC I can hang them around my neck.
And the white stuff that's over the lens on my right eye is effective, I can just about wear them with no eyepatch on, sometimes shutting my eye but most of the time it's open
And what I said on Ixion today


Sheet, so I was too busy (or I forgot randomly) to soak my muesli last night so s'morning I am trying plan B, soak it then go and check your emails and type BLOGwards then try eating say a 1/2 hour later

(sent from my phone)