Monday 6 November 2017


But if he hadn't had a gun he would have killed 2(?) people, Mr Trump


So hopefully she will actually be here this week so if so then I am attending my first "Waterworks" session in the pool at the gym later
Well that went well. Lordy she does different exercises but I feel it has done me sum good. And we did a 'stand on your right foot, move left foot forward and bend the left leg' exercise where my right heel was staying on the ground*. My tofustrings are the best they have been in 15 years or so
* First time it has stayed down since my accident, so it was an important event


And as we were coming out of somewhere yesterday a small kid passed me and said "He's a pirate!" to which I replied "Shhhh, keep it a secret"

Chicken Dinner

And last night I finally finished last months daily puzzle games, this is quite unusual to complete a month


And the playing music PC in my bedroom has proved very hard to switch on for months now, needs pressing the button in time with gord nose but this last week it seems to have fixed itself, some update or other has fixed it


And my phone says it is -1° when I woke up s'morning