Wednesday, 20 January 2016


And it was well icy today, taking Alex home. After 12.30 there was still loadsa ice on the field but as I didn't have my camera with me I had to take a photo with my phone. Which isn't as clear but you can just about see how much ice there is on the field. By the afternoon

More Farmfoodsing

Then because I needed some more garlic bread and summat that isn't sweet potato oven chips (for Alex) we popped back to Farmfoods. Where a MOS was being very positive, she hasn't seen me walk before etc.
And we bumped into a passer by who I met somewhere and she hadn't seen me walk before either.....

What A Day

What a day, at least it is over now. Right, first thing Alex, who was s'posed to go home at 10.13 today, had a car crisis. It wouldn't start. So we looked in the garage, in the boot of the car, in the end we popped to the neighbours and asked to borrow some jump leads. We plugged them in, left the car for half an hour while my car was running, then Gareth got in my car and reved it while Alex tried to start his. Nowt.
So we had to take Alex home, nearly all the way to Cardigan, he lives miles away, in Drefach Velindre.
So because that took so much time we couldn't go swimming so we headed to town for a walk
We parked up at the corner of Blue St (the bus station) and Lammas St and set off walking, with no wheelchair accompaniment. We walked thru town to the new shopping centre that used to be the Cattle Market Car Park. Walked all the way up thru that, gave a busker a quid and walked back down to the old Aardvark shop, it's now a café and a very nice one. After a brew in there we walked all the way back to the car. Big walks!! And big walks as we weren't in gym today so I did loadsa outside work


And each and every night about this time I think "Gizzmy wheelchair" but every night I think "No, good practice" so...

Nearly Winning

And after a morning of genius there is only one that I haven't won this month