Tuesday 12 July 2011


Then Freya came into see me, she seemed more pleasant today but who can tell. After we had a delicious curry that I cooked earlier today (It was delicious) Later it was doing my head in as Freya was playing my electric guitar, the one that I used to be able to play. I had to go outside as I was upset when Freya came out and said "You gave me your talent" which made me cry even more
AND as Freya said "Try this" I got my guitar back out and while I still can't play it by a long stretch I could actually play better than I have managed in some years tonight


Then Sarah the OT came over. We were discussing curry when the door knocked again. It was Ruth. So we all 3 talked for 20 minutes then Ruth apologised and left.

Then me and Sarah got into making curry. We had a recipe for Green Thai Curry and good lord was it easy to make. Put 70% of the ingredients in the blender, chop the rest and it seems lovely.

THEN we tried to order online my veg trug but the website wouldn't work, so we phoned them up and ordered it over the phone

So aargh etc, bang bang chop chop busy......


So my tooth seems to have got a lot better, now I have stopped doing that rinse after every meal, and it seems that I can chew a bit with that side of my gob now

She's (Not) Got Pink Hair

And Claire the Psychologist came to see me s'morning, we talked about Brain Injury and getting better etc, she decided that it would be good for me to see her again but waiting for funding now
But at one point when I was expressing how clever I felt I was/am she said that clever people do get better from BI, so (smug, smug, smug)


So I have none of "my team" coming but blinking busy anyway