Monday 16 October 2017


Aargh, the "light traffic" app has come back on my phone by itself, I was looking for it for a couple of days, couldn't find it, and it came back when I was in bed asleep last night

Windy Day Today

The hurricane is getting closer.... (noisy link)
And as the wind gets stronger and stronger (it is well noisier than when I recorded it s'morning) I think that we can't go outdoors and walk from the car, go swimming. But GGtGG says "No, carry on"
Well it seems to have calmed down now, 7.30pm and it is still noisy but less noisy
Yes, it's 9.30 now and much quieter still.... Phew
Yes, in t'morning we were able to put the hanging decorations back up......


Well off to the fscking swimming pool today.....
We did it. In, some walking back and forward, walking backwards, walking sideways then eight lengths. I tried to stop at six but he was a grumpy sod who had the key to the locker in his pocket so I had to continue