Wednesday 27 December 2017


Then after a quiet nooneraft I am waiting for Sam&Emma, Toby and Freya to arrive then we are all heading out for dinner.
After a brief exchange of pressies with Sam&Emma who I haven't seen yet this Crimbly
Well they were find. All 4 of them had dinner and pudding with me. What can I say except "I am not worthy..." which ever direction it was aimed in

Found It

So ages ago I bought another small torch device to keep in my pocket. It was bigger than the one I did use in the end but I was looking for it rather than buying more batteries. Couldn't find it. Neither could 3 or 4 MOS. None of us could find it.
But out "looking for it" technique must have been a bit wonky
Last night I looked in the same place as I had looked in many times, where many other chaps had looked too. Found it


So we headed into town for a walk about as my gym timetable says "Swim" s'afternoon and I am too poorly with the cold to do that but it fscking started to rain just as we got there, continued to rain on us as we walked along King St.....

Bank Holiday

And I got my dole s'morning that I was supposed to get 2 days ago but it has been a bank holiday since then.....
Phew, relieved...