Sunday 13 December 2015

Right Hand

Just WOW, cooking tonight I chopped 4 or 5 things with my right hand. The reason I say wow is just that it is so much better/easier than it was last week which was so much easier than the week before etc


And while we were in town s'morning looking for another pin on board to stick up my "How well are you getting on" newspaper cutouts etc we had to go to another shop and buy more Christmas headware to wear in the car

Marginally Chaotic

So this Sunday I needed to change the bed s'morning and it is Timmy working today and it is not his favourite, or most effectively done, task making my bed.
THEN we have to nip to Morrisons to check out the various tofu products that Tim swears are there but last time I was in the shop, with no Tim, I couldn't find any. Because the tofu burger thingies we bought from Aardvark are full of some coating (ghee?), which is well calorific apparently