Thursday 3 May 2018


And it stopped raining s'afternoon so after dinner I tried another walk around town. This time it was nearly 2 hours of walking. Then I said "Let's go have a bun" so we drove to St Clears but the café there was shut so we came back to Carmarthen and Timmy chose McDonald's where he bought me a bun and a hot chocolate. I think one of the café's might have been better but as we don't know which one is still open etc this was the easiest option


Then we popped to gym and got stuck into rowing. And I think that after having time recuperating etc I still did my 3.25 km in the quickest time ever
Sam came and spoke to me halfway through (and I still managed the quickest ever time despite distractions) and said "That thing you wrote a few weeks ago, about being better and better, it has come to some bosses attention and they want to write an article about you and they said 'Can we have a photo' so can I take one of you when you have finished on this machine?"
Dunno what to say, fame beckons?

Iechyd Doo-dah

THEN we popped to Iechyd Da and I thought we were about an our later than usual but I think the veg had just been delivered. And there were no NA's on my list today, everything was there
Then we popped to MoreReasonsToShopAt....  and got the rest of the shopping which cost f all this week as I had a £5 off token to add too


So the bath fixer says he will be here at 11AM s'morning, which is about the time I need to pop to Iechyd Da to get the veg but I suspect he will just be here for 5 mins until he looks and decides what the problem is then fscks off to buy the bits he needs
Ho hum, hecticness
Aargh. At 10 to 10 s'morning GGtGG said "They are here" and I thought he meant Timmy, looked up and there was a van saying Hot And Cold on it, ah, the plumbers were early. So they did much work while I left them alone and didn't get in the way, he said "Ah, 'tis the water pressure being too high....." and went on to say that he thought summat expensive was fscked but went on looking at plumbing then said "Ah, look" and pulled a small piece out which was in about 27 pieces. So this was the problem, causing all the pressure issues etc. So he got the heating to work, just the heating, and said he will hopefully be back with the bit tomorrow.
So yes, it is gonna be expensive but not as expensive as I thought when he first spoke to me
Well, for my shower we boiled a couple of kettles and I just had to wash standing at the sink. No Dermol medical wash today but as, hopefully, it is just for one day that shouldn't be an issue