Thursday 26 May 2016

Happy Night Out

And we popped down to Caffi Iechyd Da and had an excellent dinner and night out

How To Clean Lens

So hopefully my new purchase will make pictures be without blurs and whited out bits
And it seems to have done what it it supposed to and there is still 97% of a tube left.  Happy

Hectic AM

So we are really busy s'morning and the first part of the afternoon. Then it al goes quiet until the take Timmy to his favourite folk sing-all-ye evening at Caffi Iechyd Da
Well that was a bit hectic. First of all me & Timmy headed down to Iechyd Dato collect the veg. But we were too early!! So we sat down and had a brew which was about 3/4 finished when chapped arrived with it. Looks good and I got everything I ordered this week. Then we popped up to Morrisons and did the rest of the weeks shopping. We came back and put it all away then headed off to gym where I did 3 lifty machines then 10 minutes on a get your heart beating machine
So the hectic morning has finished now I have had lunch so it's a bit quiet until we head back to Caffi Iechyd Da tonight